Below you’ll find a listing of the 25 Quotes on Quit Smoking. We’ve compiled a list of most popular Quotes on Quit Smoking.
Quotes on Quit Smoking
1). “Every time you light up a cigarette, you are saying that your life isn’t worth living.”

2). “A cigarette is the only consumer product which when used as directed kills its consumer.”
3). “Smoking is a habit that drains your money and kills you slowly, one puff after another. Quit smoking, start living.”
4). “Smoking is suicide by instalments.” – H.M. Forester
5). “You’re always better off if you quit smoking; it’s never too late.” – Loni Anderson
6). “Health is not everything, but without health, everything else is nothing.”
7). “A cigarette says: Today you turn me into ashes, but tomorrow is my turn.”
8). “Gift your lungs oxygen not tar. Gift your body exercise not bad health. Gift your lips kisses not cigarette butts. Gift yourself a life not death.”

9). “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential . . . these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”
Quitting Smoking Quotes
10). “You are greater than your addiction.” – Nasia Davos
11). “Your craving is temporary, but the damage to your lungs is permanent.”
12). “Thousands of people stop smoking a day – by dying from it. I simply wish you won’t be one of them.”
13). “Smoking eats.. YOU.” – Vikrmn

14). “Smoking helps in losing weight, one lung at a time.”
15). “Disadvantages of smoking are many but those of quitting are none. Advantages of smoking are none but those of quitting are many.”
16). “Your life is in your hands, to make of it what you choose.”
17). “The best time to quit smoking was the day you started, the second best time to quit is today.”

18). “When you can stop, you don’t want to, and when you want to stop, you can’t.”
Stop smoking quotes for boyfriend
19). “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.”
20). “Quitting cigarettes might be the hardest thing to do in life, but at least you will have one.”
21). “Cigarettes are a classy way to commit suicide.” – Kurt Vonnegut
22). “Every time you try to quit smoking you are actually getting closer to staying smoke-free.” – Henry Ford
23). “Only a fool would put his lips at the other end of a burning fire. Stop being a fool.”
24). “Burn calories, not cigarettes.”